Appreciate and Marriage Article Steer Clear Of the Seven Year Itch

Appreciate and Marriage Article Steer Clear Of the Seven Year Itch

by Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz America’s # 1 Adore and Marriage Experts

The U.S. Census Bureau issued a pr release entitled Most People Make only 1 Trip along the Aisle, But First Marriages Shorter. Needless to express, the content grabbed our attention straight away since we come up with this stuff all the time.

There have been an amount of interesting shows reported into the pr release but one that piqued our interest the absolute most had been the immediate following: On average, very first marriages that result in divorce proceedings final about eight years. This occurrence has frequently been named the Seven-Year Itch.

First, a small background. Many aficionados of the Seven-Year Itch trace it returning to a play by the exact same title written by one George Axelrod. Continue reading “Appreciate and Marriage Article Steer Clear Of the Seven Year Itch”