Survivors of abuse could be prone to extreme ‘flight or fight’ reactions

Survivors of abuse could be prone to extreme ‘flight or fight’ reactions

Exactly How Trauma Rewires the Brain<

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Survivors of punishment is prone to extreme ‘flight or fight responses that are

  • Aug 08, 2016
  • By Amanda Kippert
  • 70k have actually read

Our minds are mysterious and organs that are complex consists of billions of neurons. They control virtually everything we do, from breathing to blinking. And, our minds are ever changing. Each memory that is new thought creates a new connection within the mind, in essence, rewiring it.

For those who constantly encounter traumatic activities, or who relive terrible memories from their youth as adults, this implies the mind can rewire it self in such a way that sometimes causes us to feel overly stressed, even when there’s nothing overt to stress about. Emotional Associate Kimberley Shilson told ny University’s The Trauma and Mental Health Report that, when trauma occurs over and over repeatedly, cortisol—the hormones released during times of stress—can exist in abundance within the brain. This hormones can stimulate part of mental performance called the amygdala, the location accountable for feelings, emotional behavior and inspiration, and cause much more cortisol to be released.

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“The amygdala of traumatized people is normally overly painful and sensitive, resulting in extreme alertness. These individuals can take place aggressive, as they might be extremely sensitive to perceived threats (words or gestures from peers), or withdrawn as a result of concern with being close to others,” says Shilson. Continue reading “Survivors of abuse could be prone to extreme ‘flight or fight’ reactions”