Ancient Jewish History The Ten Lost Tribes
The Kingdom of Israel – consisting of the ten tribes (the twelve tribes excluding Judah and Benjamin whom constituted the southern Kingdom of Judah) – dropped in 722 B.C.E. as well as its inhabitants had been exiled by the Assyrians. As a whole, it can be said that these tribes disappeared through the stage of history. Nevertheless, the passage that they had maintained a separate existence and that the time would come when they would be rejoined with their brethren, the descendants of the Exile of Judah to Babylon in I chronicles 5 26 to the effect that the ten tribes were there “unto this day” and the prophecies of Isaiah (11 11), Jeremiah (31 8), and above all of Ezekiel (37 19–24) kept alive the belief. Continue reading “The ten destroyed tribes relates to the legend regarding the fate of the ten tribes constituting the Kingdom that is northern of.”