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(2) In January 1994, he became a volunteer teacher, which was the first time he had taught. (His name is Joseph L. Balsher, Jr.) (3) During his time teaching in California, Mr. Balsher also worked as an editor outside of Houston, Texas. (4)

Mr. Balsher attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago and the School of the Prophets in Atlanta, as well as Christian School of Theology in New York, among other universities. He also taught a Christian college in Denver. (5)
He graduated from the University of Georgia in 1965 with an in-class class, and he retired in 1975 after two years from his teaching job at the University of Minnesota. Mr. Jettke (6)

In 1979, Mr. Balsher received a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in Biblical studies, a master’s degree in Biblical studies, and a doctorate in Bible studies. He received his doctorate in religious studies three years later. (7)

Mr. Boethius (8)

Mr. Boethius had been the teacher in the School of the Prophets for three years before his election to the Office of President in 1993. (9)

Mr. Boethius graduated from The University of Colorado Springs in December 1985 with the